By A. May
ROME, Dec 6 – The semester is coming to a close, papers and exams are piling up, and students will soon be returning home with more than just an experience. They'll be packing a few more (or fewer) pounds.
The well-known “Freshman 15” hits most first-time college students , who put on weight during an adjustment period of newfound freedom and anxiety. For students studying abroad, similar reactions occur. The lure of carbohydrates and enticing Italian sweets leave students regretting or embracing meal decisions.
In an interview with The
Matthew Online,
Dr. Vincenzo Bacci, a dietician who works with John Cabot University,
discussed weight changes among international students. "Occasionally, I
have seen problems related to difficulty in adjusting to a very
different environment with an anxiety reaction that may induce anorexia or hyperfagia.”
This is rare, but, he explained, it can explain rapid weight gain.
Still, a significant weight gain would be surprising because the Italian diet, rich in proteins from vegetables and meat, is considered one of healthiest. Next to the Netherlands and Switzerland, Italy has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe, according to Bacci.
Americans in Italy, on average,
consume between 2,600 calories to 2,200, about 600 calories over the
normal daily intake, says Bacci. Some students fall into the trap of tempting food.
JCU student Emily Harrawood said,
“I gained eight pounds since I have been here. I want to try every
dessert and dish because I think why not I may only be here once.”
While others have really taken to the Mediterranean diet.
Aristizab, an American student at JCU, said “I’ve lost 20 pounds
since I’ve been here. I don’t think I have made the best choices,
I just think that the food and style of living here has changed the
amount of food I eat and the more physical activities I do daily.”
Some times all it takes is a sound diet to squeeze into a favorite pair of jeans or European fashion.
In the United States it is estimated that 50 percent of the adult population is overweight and 25 percent of the adult population obese. This is because of consumption of unhealthy food, laziness, basic lack of physical activity and genetic disorders.
Posted by: Best Weight Loss Supplements | December 07, 2007 at 11:26 AM