ROME, Nov. 29 – 6,000 new apartments for Rome-based university students will be built by 2011 to ease a housing crunch known locally as emergenza casa. The agreement, signed by the Campidoglio and the union of construction workers (Acer) on November 21, is a response to the increasing housing demand.
The central government approved a €40 million grant to help fund the program, which includes the construction of an additional 20,000 apartments for social housing needs. The program involves a negotiation between private and public managers to keep rents low.
The data behind the emergenza are shocking.
According to recent statistics, each year 83,000 students look for an apartment in Rome; 80% fail to sign a regular contract with the owner.
Renting an apartment to students is one of the most lucrative businesses in the city. Prices fluctuate between €500 for a single room and €250 for a double. Hristina Lapatova, a 20-year-old JCU degree-seeking student tells The Matthew Online she and her roommate pay €1,200 per month for a one-bedroom, unfurnished apartment in Trastevere.
As most students can attest, high rents do not necessarily equate to satisfactory standards. Most of the apartments are very old and lack basic services like telephone lines and radiators. Mina Mateeva a 24-year-old Bulgarian student of Pharmacy at University of Rome La Sapienza, who shared a dining room with two other girls, describes her house as being “full of drafts.”
Institutions responded to the emergenza by creating an Agenzia degli Affitti to introduce for students basic legal protections. The Agenzia, which started its activity on June 1, provides both owners and students with legal counsel.
It may not be well known, but Rome offers alternative solutions to fuorisede (students whose hometown is not Rome) and international students. Laziodisu, the agency guaranteeing the right to pursue a university education, has developed an extensive housing program for member universities. Students who qualify are selected on the basis of financial need. Also, Fondazione Rui and other institutions sponsor colleges and pensionati universitari throughout Rome. They also offer room, food, internet and other services for approximately €800 a month.
One can only hope these new programs will allow students to escape from the jungle of affitti -- rents -- and contratti in nero – illegal contracts -- and enjoy Rome at a reasonable price.
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