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The Albert Walker Fuller Prize in Communication

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March 01, 2007


Valerio Morisi

Hi there,

it is impressive to see what happend with JCU and the Gladiators!

My name is Valerio Morisi and I have graduated from JCU in May 2004. As the adminitration will remember I am the "creator" of the JCU Gladiator and former Goaly of the Team.

Its awesome that all the fights we have had in the past in order to establish the JCU Soccer programm in mid 2003 has become a success. Probably most of the current players dont know me, but if i see names as Valerio Patrizi as the Team Captain i am sure a lot of water has passed since then :-)

Its also great to see that the JCU Newspaper has evolved and is stated in the net.

Reading the article I noticed that Federica Malpeso is somehow the reporter of the team and with this few lines I wanted to underline your efforts for the team!! During my time the players wrote the articles themselfes in order to promote this activity ;-)

If case you wanna hear more about the story of the gladiators and how they have started (I can promise you its a very profound and interesting story) just contact me and I can give detailed infos on that, not to forget all the photo and written material I d have in case you wanna write something about that :-)

I ll leav a great CIAO to all of the players who still know me and hope you guys will keep the JCU Gladiators alive! :-)

Ciao from Germany


marcello mioni

this is alessandro's dad writing
do you have any decent picture of alessandro playing any game?
please send it to me
marcello mioni


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